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Understanding Invisible difficulities
Independent people in society who make appear to look no different from the rest if society but may have slight differences to their ability & qualities level. This can lead to boundaries on certain skills most people taken for granted. 
Because their difficulties is not visually obvious when others made initial contact with them they do face negative attitudes including being constantly disbelieved on their expressions, life experiences and perspectives. They can be wrongly labeled as lazy or liars with poor understanding on harm this kind of attitudes cause.
Difficulties & condition examples
The type of examples could be a variety of problems such as Short-Term memory, On the spot thinking skills, slow learners, digesting and comprehending from communication and certain written materials.
The examples of conditions includes mild or moderate levels or the autistic spectrum including high functioning autism & asperger syndrome. Also other invisible conditions such as dyslexia and ADHD.
Its not about labels
There are also many other people who don't have any sort if diagnosis also have sight minor difficulties or their ability and qualities and they also face their life obstacles.
Moving forward
The plus value Awareness initiatiave is about promoting a sense of value for everyone It doesn't matter what differences of abilities & you have.
The Diferrences and autism challange is about addessing issues which affect indivisials with invisible diffuclities. This is presented visually in a variety of ways & formats.
All of the social aim brands are also developed to challenge the ignorance and the prejudice which hinder anyones sense of value.
Social aim services
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