social aims steps

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Social Aim option
Process steps
To deliver the projects, services and products a number of steps are developed to make this possible

1 Research
Based on existing and original research as an initial base but must be used in conjunction with ground level experience.

2 Accessing ground levels experiences & consultation
This includes establishing regular contacts with people with invisible difficulties and all other focus life groups. This is created from focused polls, surveys, gather viewpoints

3 Developing content & products
Using the previous step the develop the initial products and services.

4 Customised content based on focus life groups and environment
Developing the products and services further to take in consideration the relevant products, services against the general and specific topics and issues.

5 Updated feedback with modification
Making aments to the particular services and products

7 repeat steps to provide concise and relevance services and products

Additional steps
To increase sustainably a number of things is essentials.
As well as repeating the examples steps highlighted also to expore innovatively ways to edliving services and products in the short and long term. For example to develop products which includes virtual reality equipment and smart watches and many more. This involving the change use of technology, lifestyle trends and strategy techniques (like Mindfulness for example)
Social aim services
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